Fire Blankets For Sale
Fire Blankets For Sale . Water-Jel Fire Blankets are a one-step system for emergency first aid on a burn victim. The blanket puts out the fire, stops burn progression and cools the skin, relieves pain and protects the burn area from contamination.
Water-Jel Fire Blankets consist of a scientifically formulated cooling gel and a special carrier. The 100% worsted wool blanket with intercellular weave can absorb up to 13 times its own weight. The blanket is soaked in a water-base / water-soluble, bacteriostatic and biodegradable gel. Can be place directly over clothing and won’t stick to burn injuries. Fire Blankets For Sale
A one-step system for Emergency First Aid on a burn victim. It puts out the fire, stops burn progression and cools the skin, eases pain, and protects against airborne contamination. Water-Jel Fire Blankets consist of a scientifically formulate cooling gel and a special carrier. The 100% worsted wool blanket is soak in a water-based/water-soluble, bacteriostatic and biodegradable gel. The full size blanket adequately covers a patient or can be use to douse a fire or dangerous white phosphorous.
Fire Blankets For Sale
In a burn emergency, every second is critical. By saving precious time, you could be saving a life. Water-Jel Fire
Blankets are 100% worsted wool, with an intercellular weave capable of absorbing up to 13 times it own weight of the scientifically formulated cooling gel in which it is soaked. This biodegradable, bacteriostatic and water-soluble gel immediately upon contact, begins to extinguish the flame, cool the burn and help stop burn progression and pain. It stabilizes the patient and helps prepare for transport to a burn
center or ER. Fire Blankets For Sale
• These blankets are vital in areas where high heat flames, arc flash, hot liquid, steam or chemicals exist.
Blankets can also be used to put out fires and protect a rescuer from heat and flames.
Medical devices – Contain no drugs or other active ingredients
Use by EMS, Firefighters, Utility companies, Industrial Institutions and the military around the world.
Fire Blankets For Sale
Because of its medical gel nature, the fire blanket has an expiry date.
Instructions for use
1. Lay burn victim on ground.
2. Do not remove clothing.
3. Cover burn injured area with blanket.
For protection against heat & flames
Hold blanket as screen between you and flames, or wrap around entire body. May also be use to cover material to be protect from heat or approaching fire. Fire Blankets For Sale
For extinguishinsh small fires
Carefully place blanket over source of flame. In the event of electrical fire, turn off power source prior to using this product.
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