Fire Blankets Made In USA
Fire Blankets Made In USA . The most efficient way to isolate and extinguish car fires, even in electric vehicles. Any car fire is dangerous and toxic. A car fire in a gas station, road tunnel, car park or passenger ferry can be a disaster. The Bridgehill Car Fire Blanket enables you to contain the flames, smoke and toxic fumes in a car fire in seconds. It’s the only solution that can effectively handle fires in electric vehicles. Suitable for professional firefighters and other organizations that may have to deal with multiple fires. Blocks and isolate fire in electric vehicles. Fire Blankets Made In USA
The Bridgehill car fire blanket is design to contain and extinguish both Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and Electric Vehicle (EV) fires.
This innovative product represents a totally new, eco-friendly way of fighting vehicle fires and containing Lithium-ion battery fires keeping harmful toxins and smoke away from people and the environment by isolating the fire and the Bridgehill 6×8-metre fire blanket can withstand temperatures of 1500 ℃ for 48 hours.
The blanket is pulled over the burning vehicle by two people so the fire can be contained and eventually extinguished. and comes in two versions. The professional version is a multiple-use blanket for fire departments and similar organisations. The standard version is a single-use blanket for locations with a high concentration of cars, such as car dealerships, parking garages, car ferries and car repair shops.
Fire Blankets Made In USA
The car fire blanket keeps smoke, toxic fumes and flames contain, preventing toxins from escaping into the environment. In many cases, firefighters can avoid using water, which leads to hazardous substances seeping into the groundwater. The fire blanket is highly effective for both ICE vehicles and EVs. You can gain control of the situation quickly and extinguish an ICE vehicle fire in just minutes, reducing the risk of the fire spreading to other vehicles. Fire Blankets Made In USA
The blanket covers and contains the fire for electric vehicle fires until it runs its course – which can take 24 to 48 hours. Since lithium-ion batteries do not respond to traditional fire extinguishers, the car fire blanket is the only proven method of dealing effectively with EV fires without water. It is now recommended that an EV vehicle damage in an accident, even with no fire present, whilst being transported to a workshop or car yard should be stored in the open and away from other vehicles for over 48 hours. With the new Bridgehill car fire blanket EV vehicles can be safely transport and house whilst the store energy inside the battery dissipates and limits the fire risk.
Fire Blankets Made In USA
- Controls fire in any car within seconds
- The most efficient solution for isolating fire in electric vehicles
- Reusable for up to 30 car fires
- Immediate Isolation of toxic gases and smoke, reducing carcinogen exposure
- Suitable for normal size vehicles including SUVs, like the Volvo XC90 and Land Rovers
- Ideal for: Underground parking garages, Charging stations, Ferries, Gas stations, Workshops, Car dealers, Tunnels, Parking lots
Lithium battery
- CAUTION: Always fold the fire blanket to create two layers when using it on open lithium batteries.
- Quickly blocks the fire in lithium battery
- Prevents spread of fire
- Ideal for: Manufactures, Open battery fires, Electric bikes and scooters, Electric tools, Ferries, Trains, Trucks
For proactive use on a burning building
- When attached to the wall (before the wall is burning) you create a firewall making this the last wall to fall due to the block of oxygen from the outside.
- How to attach: The fire blanket can be stapled on the wall. Fire Blankets Made In USA
For a building you want to protect
How to attach:
- Hang the fire blanket on metal gutters with carabiners using the eyelets of the fire blanket.
- Staple the blanket to a wooden wall.
- Hang the blanket using fireproof ropes from the eyelets to anything you can tie to.
- Ideal for: Areas with a high density of buildings, Listed buildings, Buildings with historical value, Fire Stations
- Airtight bag that blocks potential hazardous gases coming from used fire blankets
- Comes with shoulder straps and handles
- Instruction manual in four languages
- Includes repair kit
Repair kit
- Use to sew the fire blanket in case of holes coming from sharp objects
- Always use professional fire equipment with SCBA when packing and reusing the fire blanket- or opening the bag. Make sure the fire blanket is dry before storing it inside the smartbag. By following this procedure there will be no need to clean the blanket.
- Fire in electric cars: If you can hear a strong fuzz sound about every 2-15 seconds, you have a thermal runaway. The thermal runaway stops when the sound stops. Despite this, the battery might reignite at any time therefore, leave the blanket on until the battery can be disassembled. Fire Blankets Made In USA
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